Wednesday, January 29, 2020

CWC - Loaded Weekend

Happy Hump Day CWC Families,

  Just a couple reminders.
  • It's not too late to grab tickets for the UVA vs Tech match Friday night. If you are going, plan to come out early and be apart of Coach Earl's clinic.  If you have any questions about how to get tickets let me know.
  • Casino Night is this Saturday!  We have a great group of CWC parents who have already purchased tickets, but we're looking for more!  Come on out and support the CWC and have fun playing casino games that don't hurt as much when you lose it all.  Thank you to parents that have donated gifts, trips and other prizes for the silent auction.  We have hard to find bottles of bourbon, guided fly fishing trips and rumor has it a private lesson with Coach Garland will be up for bidding!  Let me know if you have any questions and we hope to see you Saturday night!
  • Blue Demon Brawl - On Saturday February 8th I am taking Russell and Turner to this tournament in Christiansburg.  I still have 2-3 spots open in my car if there are any wrestlers interested in going that need a ride.  You will have to register on Track Wrestling for this tournament so let me know if you need help figuring that out.  If your wrestler is going and you are driving him/her let me know so I have an idea of how many CWC kids will be there.  
  I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and that we either see you at the match Friday or the Casino night Saturday.  Thanks!!

Rory Bosek
Cell - (434) 960-3372