Friday, January 29, 2021

Cavalier Wrestling Club - PeeWee and Elementary Offering - LIMITED SPACE

Hello CWC Parents, 

  Rory Bosek here with the CWC.  I hope this email finds you well and that everyone has stayed safe during a hectic end, and start, to the year.  Sidenote, if anyone bought Gamestop stock the other day I just want to remind you that the CWC is a non-profit and welcomes all donations.  I apologize that it's been a while since you've heard from me and believe me there's a long story, but I'll attempt to give you the short one.  

  The CWC has been hard at work trying to find a safe and cost efficient way to get our wrestlers back on the mats and through the leadership of our coaches, board and even some college wrestlers we have a location!  We are located at 2171 Ivy Road in the strip mall across from the Saint Anne's upper campus.  The strip with Papa Johns, Tokyo Rose etc.  There is a glass door leading down into a basement on the right side of the strip and that will lead you to our glorious new room.  

  Despite all its glory it is a tight fit.  We started with offering a session with coach Earl for our older and veteran wrestlers who are still competing in matches and tournaments.  This group is working very hard and the process rolled out smoothly.  We are now ready to offer something for our younger wrestlers. 

  Dave Sheehan, Steven Joseph and myself are happy to announce that we are now offering a PeeWee (1st-3rd) and Elementary (4th-6th) group option on Wednesday nights from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm.  We plan to run from February 3rd - March 17th.  Here is a link to the registration with more information on costs, times, etc.
  One downside, we will have to limit our total to 16 participants.  Our space simply will not safely fit a larger group.  So this will be a first come first serve registration process.  That being said I am only sending this email to wrestlers that participated last year so you get first shot.  If we don't fill up I will then share the link and information on social media and through email blasts.  If we reach our cap quickly I do sincerely apologize to anyone who doesn't get in.  Please email me and let me know that you missed the cutoff and I will begin to compile a list of names.  If we have a large enough group we may look into a second offering.  This will also be subject to coaches availability so if you have any interest in being a volunteer CWC coach and want to help out reach out to me and I'll help you get involved.  Many hands make for light work! 

  Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions and I look forward to seeing our wrestlers back on the mats!

Rory Bosek
Cell - (434) 960-3372