Tuesday, January 22, 2019

This Weekend Wrestling and Mem Request

CWC Parents,


A couple of reminders:

-          There is a competition opportunity this weekend Jan 27.

o It will be at ORANGE COUNTY High School in the field house. Notice, this is a change from the spreadsheet!

 *Please report by 11:30, Wrestling will start before 1:00 

o   If you plan to attend fill out the SPREADSHEET  By 1:00 on Friday

-          Mem Gym considerations

o   As you enter, could you please encourage the kids to NOT use the handicap buttons, this keeps the doors open for 30 seconds and makes it very cold for the front desk staff when done repeatedly.

o   Please ensure that you keep the walkways/hallways clear the best that we can.  I know it can get crowded but your efforts are appreciated

§  This is particularly pertinent to the back stairwell, you can sit there but please ensure that you maintain a clear path.

-          A reminder to sign up for the Casino Night on Sat 23 Feb.  Register/donate HERE.

Thank you for your help and support!

Rick Palmer
Scholastic Program Director
Cavalier Wrestling Club