For those of you attending the event at Louisa, here is the info sent out from the Louisa Director;
Sunday Schedule:
When you come to the school walk down the sidewalk and down the stairs to the right of the building as you face it (stadium side). Enter in door 34. (Same door as the Sizzler if you were there). Check in at the table just inside the gym.
Please be checked in by 12:00 with wrestling to begin soon after. If you have kids who are not coming Sunday but will be coming on future Sundays please indicate that. I will be making groups prior to Sunday and the more accurate the lists are the faster we start. The first Sunday we were finished a little after 2.
Depending on numbers mats will be divided into halves, thirds, or quarters. I foresee having the younger kids wrestle then the middle schoolers on full mats. If needed we will use the middle school time as a break and the younger kids can finish up after.
Other things:
-We will provide high school wrestlers as officials. Coach Dan Leale will oversee them. Most of them already have experience doing this.
-There will be concessions available
-Please keep food and drink out of the gym and in the cafeteria.
If you have any other questions please ask. I can be reached at this email address, cell # is 540-894-6406 (call or text), or find me on Facebook.
There is also other events listed on the spreadsheet for later dates. Please go onto the spread sheet at this link and fill out your wrestlers information.
Rick Palmer
Scholastic Program Director
Cavalier Wrestling Club