Winter pa
I'm writing with an update on the CWC Banquet and hope this finds you in time to join us. The banquet is an opportunity to share our appreciation for the excitement and effort of the participating kids, siblings, parents, coaches, and volunteers involved with the CWC.
Below are a few of the details:
- Please RSVP with number of guests using "Shared CWC Roster" google spreadsheet
- Date: Sunday 03/12
- Time: 5PM
- Location: Charlottesville High School Cafeteria
- Use main entrance, cafeteria is ~75yards on the right
- We are responsible for returning the cafeteria to its original state.
- Trash, tables, chairs,...etc.
- Catered by Korner restaurant
- Participation Medals will be distributed
- Bring any borrowed singlets (washed)
- Take a shirt if you haven't picked one up already
- Spring session registration
I look forward to the banquet and hope you and your family are able to join!
Tommy Mello
Scholastic Program Director
Cavalier Wrestling Club
Cell: 434-284-1188
Cavalier Wrestling Club News