CWC Families,

We hope your wrestlers have enjoyed the first week of practice! Please continue to sign them in and out of practice each day on the sign in sheet in the wrestling room. Also, please enter through the back of Memorial Gym on the side nearest the parking garage. The door will be propped open at least 10 minutes before practice. If you missed the first day of practice parent meeting, I have attached an outline of what Coach Jimmy and Coach Trent discussed.
We will be ordering our annual free CWC T-shirt soon, so FILL OUT THIS FORM to let me know your children's sizes. Please have this done by Wednesday, December 6.
If you did not get a chance to order singlets, shirts, etc. from our NEW TEAM STORE, this is the LAST AND FINAL CHANCE! They have not closed it down yet, but our online store will officially close tonight 12/1 at midnight, so place your orders now!
If you are interested in helping our coaches on the mat, we welcome all parents. You are required by USA Wrestling to have a background check and Safe Sport training to be on the mat. To do this, log in to your account at Create your own profile, and follow the directions to complete the background check and Safe Sport training. Email me a photo of your card or usaw# once this is completed.
I have attached a flyer for a TOURNAMENT OPPORTUNITY next Saturday, December 9 in Lynchburg. Registration is due on trackwrestling by Friday 12/8 at 8:00 p.m. There will be a CWC coach at this tournament. Feel free to email me or talk to a coach before/after practice if you have questions about tournaments. Also please email me to let me know if you have signed up, so our coaches know who is coming.
Here is our holiday practice schedule:
- Week of December 18-21: normal practice schedule
- Week of December 25-29: NO PRACTICE
- January 1: normal practice schedule resumes
Have a great weekend!
Lindsey Paulson
Scholastic Director / Kids Club Liaison