Hello CWC Spring Session Parents,
The CWC wrestlers and coaches just finished the VAWA State wrestling tournament and we can't be any more proud of our wrestlers. One Champ, two 3rd place medals and a lot of valuable lessons learned. One of the most important lessons is that success is built in the off-season. What we do while our opponents are taking a break is key to future success on the mat. The CWC winter session will officially be wrapped up after several of our young lady wrestlers compete in the War of the Roses on the 8th! We are so excited to see our girls team growing!
Tomorrow, Monday March 2nd is our first practice of the spring session. I have copied winter session parents on this e-mail just in case you are interested in getting registered for the spring session. We will meet at Memorial Gym and practice will begin at 6:00 pm sharp so please get there a few minutes early. We will wrap things up at 7:00 pm. Coach Earl Hall will lead each practice and do his best to recognize what each wrestler needs to work on to improve his/her skills in the off-season. This session is typically our smallest session which allows for some great individual time with Coach Earl.
We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Thank you!
Rory Bosek
Cell - (434) 960-3372