We have been asked to give a rough estimate as to the number attending on Saturday at the Timber Wood Grill. If you know you will be stopping by please sent an email to me. This is just a rough estimate so if your plans change, it is not a problem. Thanks
On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 9:26 AM, Richard Palmer <rpalmer@waynesboro.k12.va.us> wrote:
My name is Rick Palmer, and I am the new Scholastic Program Director for the Cavalier Wrestling Club. We are grateful for the support from our SP Volunteer Coaches. This program is a success because of them. In order to show our appreciation to the volunteers who dedicate their time and skills to our club, we are hosting a Coaches Social Event at the TIMBERWOOD TAP HOUSE (near Wegmans) on Saturday March 10th at 5:00pm. If you are able to come thank the coaches and socialize, we would love to see you there.