CWC Families,
If you ordered something from our CWC Reshot store, great news - it is here! They sent it all together. It will be at practice to pick up starting tonight. Also, if you haven't picked up your wrestler's free "Cavalier Trained" t-shirt, they will be at practice by the sign in sheet as well.
Here are a few upcoming tournaments. For our Richmond Metro group, there are no RMYWL matches this weekend.
- January 28 - Mike Walter Memorial (see flyer attached)
- February 4 - RMYWL matches
- February 11 - RMYWL matches
- February 18 - Regionals in Louisa
- February 24/25 - VAWA States (registration now on trackwrestling)
UVA Wrestling has two home duals this year. Come cheer them on! This is a great opportunity for our kids to watch high level wrestling, and they are a lot of fun!
February 2: UVA vs. Virginia Tech at 7pm at John Paul Jones Arena! Please join us for a
FREE WRESTLING CLINIC before the dual from 5-6 pm (free pizza for participants - see flyer).
Note: JPJ has a clear bag policy - plan accordingly for the clinic.
February 16: UVA vs. UNC at 8:30 pm at Memorial Gym (FREE admission)
Have a great rest of your week!
-- Lindsey Paulson
Scholastic Director / Kids Club Liaison