Monday, January 26, 2015

Middle School Wrestling Match at Wilson Memorial Cancelled

More bad news,


Wilson Memorial had to reschedule their High School match scheduled for tonight to tomorrow and thus bumping our middle school match.  I am sorry for these cancelations but they are really out of my control.  I am working with their coach to reschedule the match.  Chances are Augusta Co. schools will be cancelled tomorrow anyhow.  Practice is still on for tonight.




Monday, January 19, 2015

CWC Updates

Dear CWC parents,

Happy MLK Day!  Congratulations to those who were able to make it down to the tournament in Amherst this weekend.  By all accounts, our CWC wrestlers had a great showing.  Now, as we start off the week, I wanted to give you all some important updates regarding the club.


Practices This Week

1) Elementary and middle school wrestlers will have practice on Monday (TONIGHT) and Wednesday this week.  HOWEVER, DUE TO THE UVA BASKETBALL GAME, THERE WILL BE NO PRACTICE ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 22.

2) Pee wee wrestlers will have their normally scheduled practice tomorrow night at 6:30 pm at Albemarle High School.

Upcoming Competitions

1) Tuesday, January 20: Tomorrow night, our MIDDLE SCHOOL WRESTLERS will have the opportunity to travel to Fork Union Military Academy (FUMC) for a competition.  Wrestlers are asked to arrive at FUMA by 5 pm.  Matches begin at 5:30 pm.  If you are interested in attending or have any questions, please email Coach Kammauff by the end of the day today -

2) THIS WEEKEND'S MATCHES WITH POWHATAN HAVE BEEN CANCELLED.  (But the good news is that we've added another match to our schedule.  Please see the link below.)

3) Please continue to check this link for information about upcoming CWC competitions -

Casino Night

Come support the Cavalier Wrestling Club in our own version of Veritas's Starry Nights, and join other club parents for an evening away from the kids!  This Saturday, January 24, Cavalier Wrestling Club will host Casino Night at Veritas Vineyards. One of our two big fundraising events of the year, the night will feature everything you would expect from an evening at Veritas - great food and drink and an amazing atmosphere - as well as casino gaming and prizes.  Doors open at 7 pm.  (Cost is $75 per person or $35 for food and beverages only - no gaming.)

Register now at

UVA vs. Pitt this Sunday

We highly encourage all CWC wrestlers to come out to Memorial Gymnasium to cheer on the Cavalier wrestlers as they take on the University of Pittsburgh this Sunday at 1 pm.  This is a perfect opportunity to show your support for the Hoos, while exposing your child to some of the best college wrestling in the country.

Have a great week!


Josh Walker

Cavalier Wrestling Club

Cavalier Wrestling Club
CWC e-newsSubscribe now!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Wrestling Tournaments.

Greeting CWC family,


Here are a couple of wrestling tournament opportunities for our team.  This Saturday, there is a tournament in Moneta, VA (south of Bedford, VA), the Smith Mountain Lake Open.  I have taken my teams there in the past and it is usually a well run tournament.  Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend but I encourage you to take you wrestler if you can (there is a great little diner up the road for breakfast after weigh ins).

Here is the link:


On Saturday, January 17th , there is a tournament in Amherst County that I would like our entire team to attend.  Wade and Myself along with some of the other coaches will be there to coach.  Amherst is just a short drive down Rt 28 and the entry fee is a bargain at $20.  We would need to arrive between 7 and 9 am for weigh ins.

Here is the link:


It is important to remember that when we attend a tournament,  we are at the mercy of the organizers and have no control on how long the event may take.  The team is really coming along well and we thank you for the opportunity and privilege  to coach your kids.


Best  Regards,

John Kammauff



Monday, January 5, 2015

FW: Important CWC Update 1.5.2015

Dear CWC Parents,
I hope that your new year is off to a great start! Saturday's matches vs Orange and Greene went really well. It's fun to see so many of our wrestlers get wins. However, far more important is to see their development. We will wrestle tougher competition where the wins will be harder to come by but the development will continue to be our goal. The coaches have identified three areas of improvement that will be covered in this week's practices. Thank you to all of those who came out!
Here are some important announcements for this week:
  • No practice Wednesday: UVa has a home men's basketball game on Wed so practice is canceled. The next conflict is Thurs, Jan 22nd. Mark your calendar now!
  • Middle School Match Tuesday: On Tuesday, Jan 6, the MS team has a match at 6:00 pm at Waynesboro at Kate Collins MS. This is primarily for youth in 6th-8th grades, but will allow some of our more advanced 5th graders. Let Coach Kammauff know by Tuesday at 10 AM if you will be attending. 
  • Pee Wee Change: We are being asked by AHS administration to move our Pee Wee practice start time from 6:15 to 6:30 to increase safety in the parking lots (this is a high traffic time of evening). Please be prompt as we will begin practices at 6:30 sharp so that we can get a full hour in and get you out the door by 7:30. 
  • Schedule page: Please keep this page handy. We have been contacted by a club from Roanoke that wants to travel to Charlottesville to wrestle against us. As opportunities like this arise, we will communicate it to you and add it to the website.
  • Contacting coaches: While Josh Walker is the executive director, please reach out to your age-group coach with questions or other needs. 
  • Casino Night: There are a lot of hidden costs of running the CWC. Facility fees, singlets/gear and insurance alone costs over $10,000. We typically run a few fundraisers throughout the season, one of which is the annual Casino Night. This year we have been invited to host it at the beautiful Veritas Winery on Saturday, January 24th! I hope you'll join us. If you can't please consider sponsoring a table. Details here
Happy New Year!
Cavalier Wrestling Club Coaches

Thursday, January 1, 2015

upcoming CWC wrestling matches -- this Sunday and Tuesday

Dear CWC Parents,

I hope that you have all been having a wonderful holiday. I wanted to send a quick update regarding the upcoming CWC matches in Orange and Waynesboro. I'd also like to say a HUGE thank you to Coach John Kammauff for coordinating these competitions. 

We have a youth match on Sunday, Jan 4 at 2:00 pm at the Orange County High School Field House. This will be for youth in 6th grade and under. Please email Coach Kammauff (copied here) if your child would like to compete at the wrestling match on Jan 4. This will enable us to work with the opposing teams' coaches to set up as many matches as possible in advance.

On Tuesday, Jan 6, the MS team has a match at 6:00 pm at Waynesboro at Kate Collins MS. This is primarily for youth in 6th-8th grades, but will allow some of our more advanced 5th graders.

Travel to and from these matches will be up to you as parents, and we would advise arriving at least 20 minutes early. For both matches, we will provide CWC singlets, but please have your child come prepared to wrestle in shorts and a t-shirt in case we are short on the singlets.

Please feel free to contact me with any further questions. I hope that you all have a very happy New Year. Here's to a great 2015!

All the best,

Josh Walker

Cavalier Wrestling Club
CWC e-newsSubscribe now!